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Alongside temperature and humidity, we monitor the concentrations of gases that affect indoor air quality, including those associated with harmful mould spores

Using advanced modern sensor technology, we report air quality information to building managers and owners, helping them ensure that they are providing healthy indoor environments which comply with the relevant UK legislation. 

Customised user access

Define different user types e.g. owner, occupant, building manager and set user-specific and device-specific levels of system access.

Mobile phone interface

Our user interface is designed to display data clearly on a range of screen widths - mobile phones ,desktop computers and laptops.

Set threshold values

Users can set alarms and alerts. This means they are informed if set thresholds are crossed  and can taker action to safeguard air quality.

Designed to meet modern needs

Connectivity to meet modern business needs.

Osmium is a cloud-based service that may be accessed remotely from any browser or mobile device, giving you greater control over your equipment. Osmium's embedded mini-computer links into your existing control systems without disturbing their operation.

Flexibile communication to reflect local connectivity.

Osmium may be deployed over 2G, 3/4G, 5G and wifi.  This flexibility means that Osmium can be used remotely via the cloud or on a local area network (LAN). We were one of the first users of WM5G’s 5G testbed where we tested Osmium against the new 5G network standard - successfully!

Secure and robust. 

Osmium uses encryption and a modern approach to communication architecture to overcome security threats. Hardened over several years at remote wind turbine sites, it is engineered to recover reliably and repeatedly from power outages, avoiding costly visits to restart remote equipment when power comes back on after an outage.

Control logic modification to reflect user knowledge.

Where equipment logic allows, Osmium can give you the capability to mask minor faults, allowing installations to remain active whilst a repair is organised.  In some cases, control logic may also be modified. In one recent example a wind turbine operator was able to increase productivity by lowering the cut-out wind speed of a wind turbine which suffered unwarranted regular interruptions to service due to its location at an unusually turbulent site.

Interested in finding out more?

Osmium offers a rapid, competitively-priced route to the benefits of Industry 4.0. Please get in touch if you'd like to investigate how we could help your business achieve this.


Contact us


Osmium Group Ltd

The Old Print Works

498-506 Moseley Rd

Birmingham B12 9AH


t: 0121 449 4443


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© 2022 Osmium Partnership

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